Buying and selling a home does not need to be complicated! Whether you are a first-time homebuyer or selling your existing home, we have gathered the most frequently asked questions and created easy to understand videos. These resource videos cover topics such home warranties, typical closing costs for sellers, understanding seller disclosures, home staging, tips for first-time home buyers, choosing a 15 or 30-year mortgage and more! Please contact us to assist you with your home buying / selling / financing needs.
This month’s new videos include:
What is RESPA?
The Real Estate Settlement Procedure Act (RESPA) is a consumer protection statute relating to real estate transactions, making obtaining a mortgage financing clearer and cheaper for consumers.
What is Flood Insurance?
Most homeowner’s policies do not include flood insurance. Almost every state has areas considered at high risk for flooding and just an inch or two of water can be devastating for a home.
Creating a Home Inventory for Insurance Purposes
Home Inventory can help you receive an insurance settlement faster and avoid an insurance nightmare. And here’s how you can start…
Pitfalls of Buying and Selling at the Same Time
What comes first — buying or selling? Is it better to sell your current home first and then look for a new home — or to buy your next home first and then look to sell?
What Property is Included in the Sale of a Home?
When selling your home, what items are included and excluded in the sale? Are home fixtures included in the sale?
You can watch these new videos, along with our current videos, on Shorewest.com.
Tags: Community, current housing market, family fun, Housing Market, living in milwaukee, Milwaukee, milwaukee lifestyle, real estate advice, shorewest, Shorewest Realtors, tips and advice
Categories: Community
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